Letter to the editor: It is up to us to stand up and save this state


It is time to restore common sense to government, not just at the federal level, but here in Washington state.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Why has the standing of Washington’s public schools gone off a cliff?

2. Why is crime out of control?

3. Why are wealthy fleeing Washington state?

4. Why are we facing an electric energy shortage?

The answer to all of these questions is government by “woke” politicians, most of whom have never done a lick of work in a job requiring them to provide a service or product anyone would pay for.

It is no surprise that people who live by theory rather than experience create chaos when trusted with the power of government. That is equally true on both the “woke left” and the equally destructive “far right.”

Ask yourself, what have presidential candidate Kamala Harris or gubernatorial candidate Bob Ferguson ever accomplished? Sounds like crickets to me.

All of us, including fair-minded Democrats, need to face the reality that our state is losing the battle to retain its best and brightest, attract employers, educate children and assure safety.

There is little or no chance that the hive workers in Seattle will recognize how far we have fallen. It is up to us everywhere else to stand up and save this state for ourselves and for our children.


Dave Germain

Lewis County