Letter to the editor: This country is out of control, and it’s entirely due to the left and their fearless leader


I’m afraid that I am confused by people like letter writer Katherine Ford who berate President Trump as wanting to destroy this country when her choice, Joe Biden, has already done much of what she claims Trump wants to do.

I happen to know Ms. Ford, and know that she’s a caring, loving, thinking individual, which is why I can’t understand her support for the Democrats. I have a lot of liberal friends. But I follow some sage advice I once got: Sometimes you just have to shut up and let them be wrong.

My grandfather was a die-hard Democrat, straight party line voter his entire life. And I know that he would be shocked at the state of the Democratic Party today. The far left has assumed control of the party ever since Hillary Clinton lost. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that occurred after her loss has sent this country into a tail-spin. Suddenly, we have open borders allowing millions of illegal immigrants into this country. This is costing our society billions every year. Not a word from the left about this. We have cancel culture wanting to destroy anyone that doesn’t agree with them. And Ms. Ford attacks Fox News, claiming that they are being sued for lying.

Yet, a couple of years ago, CNN admitted that they had made up stories about President Trump to keep him from being re-elected. Not a peep from the left. We had an armed takeover of part of downtown Seattle that lasted for months. Where was the left concerning that? They applauded. Really?

Downtown San Francisco is chaotic. Stores are closing left and right because the homeless have taken over that extremely liberal city. I don’t hear a thing from the left about that. California is losing citizens faster than any other state in the nation because of its liberal policies. Lawlessness and outrageous taxes have created that situation.

Where’s the left’s thinking on that? How about the cost of groceries? Beef, chicken and pork have more than doubled in price since Joe Biden took over. Eggs have almost tripled in price. Milk is more than double. Gas is still twice what it was when Mr. Trump left office. Where’s the left on that situation? The EPA’s pronouncement doing away with natural gas has been declared unconstitutional by a federal judge.

Where’s the left on that? Inflation far exceeds what it was when Mr. Trump left office, even though he had the pandemic to deal with. This country is out of control, and it’s entirely due to the left and their fearless leader, Joe Biden. The Republicans in Congress are trying to correct a horrible situation created by two years of Democratic control. I suggest that Ms. Ford and the left take a hard look at what their party has done to this country before they vote, and stop blaming Mr. Trump for the woes we face. When you vote don’t forget that this state is controlled completely by the Democrats.


Bruce Peterson
