Republican Bill Bryant, a Lewis County Native, Files Paperwork in Race for Governor


OLYMPIA (AP) — Republican Bill Bryant, who was born in Morton, has officially filed to run for governor.

Bryant, who announced last year that he would challenge Democratic incumbent Gov. Jay Inslee, filed online Thursday at the secretary of state's office at the Capitol. Candidate filing week started Monday and ends Friday.

Bryant, who has served on the Seattle Port Commission since 2008, said the state needs new leadership. Inslee, who was elected in 2012, is seeking a second term.

An April poll by independent pollster Stuart Elway found 48 percent of voters surveyed preferred Inslee while 36 percent supported Bryant. Another 16 percent were undecided. Inslee is also in the lead on fund raising. As of this month, Inslee has raised about $5 million, compared to $1.6 million raised by Bryant.

The general election is on Nov. 8.