Letter to the editor: Here’s hoping November brings about a huge change in national policies


During my 87 years of existence, in 70 of those I have observed the ongoing political process. One hundred years ago, we had no stifling national debt. Now it is in the trillions of dollars.

We were just getting over a deep Depression. Wages were low, but the dollar was worth something. I remember buying a full steak dinner for $5. Gas was around 20 cents per gallon. Taxes were low, and money earned was pretty much kept for personal uses such as buying a home, a car or starting a business.

Oh, how things have changed, especially the past four years. We still have two major political parties; one has become increasingly socialist, meaning high taxes and a large, suffocating government. Under socialism, the government is there to run every aspect of your life. It has never worked anywhere else, nor will it here. Under socialism during the past four years, inflation has run rampant, energy prices (gas) have soared, the national debt is out of control, and illegals are crossing our borders at will by the millions. On and on it goes. Under this system, this country is heading for a major Depression again many economists believe. It makes me wonder if any of our political leaders ever heard of a “balanced budget”?

One thing that depresses me the most is that many, many people blindly vote party — not policies or pressing issues. I don’t care if we have a Martian Party; I want to address the policies most favorable to us and our everyday lives.

The moral structure of a great many of our elected representatives seems to have changed, or deteriorated. Tulsi Gabbard, a one-time congresswoman, said that in her tenure she figured only 5% of the elected were working on spoken issues. The rest were in it for their own beliefs or the money (perks or kickbacks).

Do you know that a great many of our trusted leaders are millionaires? It doesn’t come from their salaries. This gets worse the longer they are in office.

We have just gone through the worst (negative) government tenure in our history. This is “common sense” obvious. We can continue voting for more inflation, higher energy cost, higher crime rate, open borders and possibly World War III or bring in strong, knowledgeable leaders to stop it all.

I sure don’t want to see my children, or grandchildren, go through any more of what we have seen the past four years. Here’s hoping that the month of November brings about a huge change in national policies.


James Stafford
