Letter to the editor: In defense of the Democratic National Committee


First of all, after the 2020 election, Donald Trump asked for a recount in Georgia. How evil! No Democrat has ever done that. Why look at Al Gore. He never asked for a recount in Georgia. Well, sure, in Florida. But heck, that was a red state right?

And Trump defrauded a bank by asking for a loan, under their terms, and paying it back on time. The audacity. No other American would think of paying a loan off like that.

Plus, he kept classified documents. Unlike President Biden or Hilary Clinton.

But, seriously, he paid someone not to talk about an alleged affair. Why, President Clinton never paid Monica, Anita or Jennifer one red cent. And Trump obstructed justice. Maybe he destroyed phones or wiped his server clean. But, OK, no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges for that.

In spite of being old and unable to tie his shoes, Trump is a threat to democracy. He said Vice President Kamala Harris is incompetent. That’s obviously dangerous and misleading. Why, look at the job she did at the border.

Next, he might say Harris is like Hitler, inspires violence and that she must be stopped. Where will it end? That rhetoric could encourage violence. And he would probably blame her for it.

And he’s old. He’s one step away from being senile. Look at President Biden. He was sharp as a tack. No one could keep up with him, right up until he was losing the election, and suddenly he became incompetent. No Democrat noticed until then. What a surprise that was.

We know Trump’s a racist. He wants to suppress minority voting. He wants IDs to vote. Now, the same would be true for everyone, but we know it would just keep minorities from voting. And that’s just the first step. Soon he’ll want you to have an ID to drive a car or ride on a plane, a Social Security number to open a bank account, or carry proof of insurance in your car. It just goes on and on.

And he flip-flops. He reconsidered a stance on abortion. He decided maybe six weeks wasn’t enough time for a woman to know she was pregnant. We know Harris would never flip like that. She is rock strong on mandatory gun buy-backs and ending fracking.

And while we’re at it, he also conspired to win an election. What next? Will all Republicans want to win their campaigns? That could spread to independent party candidates. Or (shudder) Libertarians. Do they want Democrats to lose?

So, all in all you can understand why we want Harris and why President Trump gets such bad press. It’s not because 90% of news people are liberals. Or that mainstream media states it’s impossible to be unbiased. It’s because left is right and right is wrong. Or is it good is bad and bad is good? I forget.


Alan Dittrick
