Napavine falls on the road to Montesano


Napavine suffered its second loss to a 1A school in three weeks on Friday, as the Tigers were defeated 35-19 by Montesano.

“We didn’t play very well,” Napavine coach Josh Fay said. “I didn’t think we executed very well.”

The Tigers played well for a stretch after allowing the first score of the game, as back-to-back touchdown passes from Grady Wilson to Beckett Landram and Travis Kirkpatrick gave Napavine a 13-7 lead.

Montesano was able to regain the lead before the break, however, and the Bulldogs added a touchdown in the third and another early in the fourth to make it 28-13.

“They put us in some tough spots,” Fay said. “It’s frustrating, caus eI think that's a team we can beat… But, again, I didn’t think our execution was very good. And that’s on me. If we don’t execute, that’s a coaching issue.”

Wilson was able to run in a touchdown in the fourth to make a small dent in the deficit, but it was too little, too late.

Similarly to how he felt after the Tigers fell to Life Christian Academy two weeks ago, Fay said that in the long run, there’s nothing to hang their heads about.

“It’s not gonna hurt us to be in a game like this,” Fay said. “We’ll see what we can learn from it … We will get better from it, for sure.”

Napavine (2-2) will play its first 2B opponent of the year next Friday, when it opens league play at Adna.